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Charities & Grants
Guidelines for 2025
Since 1961, the Montgomery Rotary Club has provided more than $1 million in funding for local, nonprofits for any number of special projects. We are committed to improving our community and the quality of life in the River Region.
The Montgomery Rotary Charity Foundation will be awarding one or multiple grants at the Montgomery Rotary Club Charity Day in May of 2025. You may only submit one grant application per charity for this grant cycle.
Applications will be selected in the following priority areas:
Arts and Culture
Community Wellness
Education and Youth
Additional grant information
Applicants may request any amount needed. Past projects funded have ranged from $5,000 to $20,000, and Rotary may select more than one applicant in a given year. The funds distributed are raised at an annual charity event, so while we take applications for specific project amounts, please know that the distribution is dependent on the funds raised.
The project must serve an important and valid community need within the 3 priority areas.
The project must be completed within 12 months of receiving the grant.
The committee particularly looks at projects for which there is a naming opportunity for The Montgomery Rotary Club.

2021 Grant recipients, Mercy House
How to apply
Prepare a written summary (limit of two pages) describing the project to be funded, including the following:
Description of project to be funded and the amount needed. If the grant request is part of a larger project, please share how the additional portion of the project will be funded.
Highlight anticipated outcomes of your project … will it meet current needs or is it needed to help grow your current program/services?
List any other community partners working with you on this project and funding they may be providing.
Name of individual submitting grant, along with contact information (email and phone).
Copy of your last filed 990 of your organization.
Proof of 501(c)3 status
List of current Board of Directors
Description of how your organization will help promote the Rotary charity event (e.g., do you have board members who might buy tickets? A community newsletter in which we could place an announcement? Social media outlets?)
A copy of your proposal should be received no later than Friday, August 16, 2024
Email to: Brandi Hayes, office@montgomeryrotaryclub.com
You may also mail a copy to the American Red Cross Building, marked Attention: Montgomery Rotary Club. (5015 Woods Crossing, Montgomery, AL 36106)
Rotary Charity Foundation grant Recipients
1961 Boys Club of Montgomery
1962 Boy Scouts
1963 Montgomery YMCA
1964 Montgomery YMCA
1965, 1974, 1982 AL Society for Crippled Children & Adults
1966 Retarded Children’s School
1967 City and County Clinic
1968, 1978, 1984 Goodwill Industries
1969 TB Sanatorium
1970 Childrens’ Center
1971 Mental Health Center
1972 & 1990 Brantwood Children’s Home
1973 Montgomery Y Camp
1975 Boys Club of Montgomery
1976 Montgomery Fellowship Houses, Inc.
1977 Montgomery Blood Center-Red Cross
1979 St. Jude Exceptional Children’s Center
1980 Group Homes for Children
1981Montgomery Area Council on Aging
1983 Montgomery Assn for Retarded Citizens
1985 Children’s Center of Montgomery
1986 Family Violence Center
1987 Montgomery Area Food Bank
1988 Faith Rescue Missions
1989 Father Purcell Exceptional Children’s Home
1991 & 2005 Father Walter Child Care Center
1992 The Salvation Army
1993 YMCA
1994 & 2000 Family Sunshine Center
1995 Camp ASCCA
1996 Habitat for Humanity
1997 Central Alabama Labach Literacy Council
1998 Success By Six & HIPPY
1999 Christmas in April
2002 YMCA Camp Chandler
2003 Boy Scouts of America-Tuckabatchee Area Council
2004 Boys and Girls Club of South Central Alabama
2005 Montgomery Area Nontraditional Equestrians MANE
2006 Montgomery Area Food Bank
2007 Camp ASCCA
2008 Brantwood Childrens Home
2009 Easter Seals
2010 Robert E. Lee High School (Information Technology Center)
2011 The Salvation Army, Montgomery Association for Retarded Citizens and The Boys & Girls Club of Montgomery
2012 The Salvation Army and YMCA Camp Chandler
2013 One Place Family Justice Center and Chemical Addictions Program, Inc.
2014 The Friendship Mission and Mary Ellen’s Hearth at Nellie Burge Community Center
2015 The Salvation Army and Lighthouse Counseling Center
2016 The Boys & Girls Clubs of the River Region and Common Ground
2017 Montgomery Rotary Foundation for Dictionary Project & Dog Park
2018 Child Protect and Montgomery Habitat for Humanity
2019 Valiant Cross Academy
2020 YMCA of Greater Montgomery
2021 Mercy House
2022 That's My Child and Service Dogs Alabama
2023 Hope Inspired Ministries and Child Protect
2024 Girls on the Run, Guard Your Man, CASA and Dream Court, Inc.